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27 de junho de 2012Zvex Basstortion!
2 de julho de 2012Entrevista: Analog Alien!
Continuando nossa série de entrevistas, nosso editor conversou com Jack Napoli, que junto com Joe, é responsável pela Analog Alien, que ainda é pouco conhecida aqui no Brasil, mas que produz dois pedais de dar G.A.S em qualquer um…
Confiram o papo!

Pedais & Efeitos: E como surgiu a idéia da Analog Alien?
Meu irmão Joe é o engenheiro-chefe do estúdio. Ele veio com a idéia de acrescentar um circuito de buffer para a Twister. Muito frequentemente chegava um guitarrista com um Pedalboard repleto de pedais sobre ele e há quase sempre um problema de impedância quando você tem muitos pedais na cadeia de sinal. Um tempo atrás Joe pediu-me para lhe construir alguns buffers para que ele pudesse resolver esse problema. Escolhemos o melhor desses buffers e acrescentamos ao Alien Twister. Fizemos isso de forma que você possa ligá-lo para ver se ele faz alguma diferença. O buffer no Twister é baseado em IC e é de alta qualidade. Não vai acrescentar qualquer cor para o som. Também é independente do circuito de fuzz, para que você possa usá-lo por si só – com o fuzz envolvido.
E também em Inglês!
Pedais & Efeitos: Jack, how did you become interested in guitars, pedals, amps …?
Jack: I have been playing the guitars since I was 10 years old and that was back in 1972 :0
My brother Joe and I were in a band back in the 70’s and 80’s. We built a small recording studio in our parents home that grew into a large studio in a very short time. Although we built it just to record our band the word eventually got out and we started recording local bands there, too. Today it is a professional recording studio – we call it “Cloud 9 Recording”. We record all styles of music. Working with local bands and international rock stars like Joan Jett… As time went on we acquired quite a collection of guitars, drums, amps and pedals. We started to mod some of the pedals in our collection so that they would better suite or needs in the recording studio. That eventually lead to us coming up with our own designs, the first of which was the FuzzBubble-45.
Pedais & Efeitos: And how did the idea of Analog Alien?
Jack: The pedals we design are analog in nature. We wanted a catchy name for our pedals that had the word “analog” in it – a name that people would remember. We tried several different words after “Analog” until we came up with “Alien”. Joe and I have always loved comic books, super heroes, and science fiction. It all fell into place from there.
Pedais & Efeitos: The Fuzzbubble-45 is an amazing pedal! How did it develop and how long the process took until the final result?
Jack: The FuzzBubble-45 was the first pedal we ever designed and when you do anything for the first there’s always a learning curve you must go through. After we came up with the idea for the pedal it took us about a year before we were satisfied with the results. After that we built two prototypes and started using them in the studio. They were in plain boxes with no markings on them. After a while a lot of the guitarists that were recording in the studio requested to use our pedal. Then they asked us if we would build one for them. That’s when we really know that the pedal would be a success and we started to go into production.
Pedais & Efeitos: The Fuzzbubble is already an amazing pedal. And
Jack: The circuit and function of both pedals is the same, there is no difference what-so-ever. We just added a battery door to the back. The pedal is large and taking the back lid off to change the battery is easier this way. We also changed the color to a darker purple. But that’s it, nothing else on the pedal has changed.
Pedais & Efeitos: You just released a new pedal. What was the process of creation until the release of Twister?
Jack: The idea for our pedals comes from the recording studio. When we feel we have a need for a certain sound in the studio and we don’t have a pedal that will give us that sound, we make it ourselves. The process for the Alien Twister was the same as the FuzzBubble-45. After we realized what we needed a fuzz pedal with the characteristics of the AT we built a prototype and used it in the studio for a while. We continued to adjust the circuit until we were satisfied. My brother Joe is the head engineer at the studio. He came up with the idea of adding a buffer circuit to the Twister. More often then not a guitarist will come in with a pedal board that was quite a few pedals on it. There is almost always an impedance issue when you have that many pedals in the signal chain. A while back Joe asked me to build him a few buffers so the he could solve that problem. We took the best of these buffers and added it to the Alien Twister. We made it switchable so you could switch it in and out to see if it makes any difference. The buffer in the Alien Twister is IC based and is of high quality. It will not add any color to the sound at all. It is also independent of the fuzz circuit, so you can use it by itself – with out the fuzz engaged.
Pedais & Efeitos: You have a concern and care with the packaging of the products that I find wonderful! You consider that part of the experience of having a pedal Analog Alien?
Jack: Yes I do. The pedal should look as good as it sounds. I remember as a kid I use to love Cracker Jack’s. I loved the taste, but best of all there was a surprise inside. You always get a little something extra when you buy an Analog Alien pedal and that’s important to us.
Pedais & Efeitos: Let’s now talk of Brazil! What do you know our music and our guitar players?
Jack: Oh man, this is a tuff one. I love the fire the all Brazilian guitarist seem to have. Because I own and work in a recording studio everyday I like to stay in touch with what is going on in the world of music. But, Brazil really has so many talented guitarists today so where do I begin? I can start with players like Juninho Afram, Kiko Loureiro and Eduardo Ardanuy. Their styles are really beautiful and all are well balanced players. All of them have what I like to call a real “fire and ice” approach and style to their playing. Then there’s Faiska and Pepeu Gomes. Both are brilliant. I’m not just into the electric guitar. I studied classical for 5 years and it is truly a beautiful style of guitar. Brazil had some of the most beautiful classical guitar on the planet!
Pedais & Efeitos: The Brazilian market is of interest to you? They want you to be here?
Jack: We would love to have our pedals distributed in Brazil! If you know of any distributors or dealers that would like to carry or pedals please ask them to visit or website: and email us
Pedais & Efeitos: And what are the future projects of Analog Alien? We can anticipates something, some exclusive news (rs)?
Jack: As I mentioned earlier, the inspiration for our pedals comes from the recording studio. When it inspirers us to create another pedal we will answer the call. What will it be??? We’ll let the studio, “Cloud 9” and the guitarists that we record there, tell us.
Pedais & Efeitos: Jack, thank you for the interview! Now the space is yours. Leave a message for our readers!
Jack: You are very welcome Leo and thank you for allowing me to do this interview. Some day I would very much like to visit your beautiful country and some day I will. Peace out, Analog Alien 🙂